6 December 2024
The Origin of Football Manager Part 1
Richard meets one of his childhood heroes Kevin Toms, a pioneer of videogame development and the face on the box of the legendary original Football Manager games. They talk about incompetent careers advisors, loving statistics, the genius of making a game about management rather than playing and text rather than graphics and that never ended, how the game became a phenomenon and how it has reappeared on your phones and computers today (with a new version out very soon). Plus why Kevin wanted to document this period and how the internet has allowed him to see how much his work was loved. Plus find out if he never had to work again due to the game's success!
Buy the book here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Origin-Football-Manager-Part-Beginning-ebook/dp/B0CW18V2M2/
For info on Kevin and the games head here https://kevintoms.games/