RHLSTP | Richard Herring

Kevin Jon Davies

24 May 2024

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42 The Wildly Improbably Ideas of Douglas Adams

Richard talks to Kevin Jon Davies, the editor of this fascinating collection of items from the archives of Douglas Adams. They chat about the insight the notes, letters, scripts and thoughts give to the mind of this extraordinary thinker, the notebooks that started with optimism, moved into self-hatred and then largely remained blank (that most writers will be familiar with), the alternate reality where Adams gave up writing, what Arthur Dent was almost called, how unusually for a writer Adams became a celebrity himself and the unusual focus of the paparazzi at the film premiere. A terrific insight into the man and his work from someone who worked alongside him.

Buy the book here - https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/42-the-wildly-improbable-ideas-of-douglas-adams-douglas-adams/7442032?ean=9781800182684