RHLSTP | Richard Herring

Arthur Mathews

25 November 2020

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Rod Stewart's Fridge

Richard is on TV so much now that it's actually not funny any more, but his son has come up with an improvement to Star Wars, so that's something. His guest is comedy scriptwriter and erstwhile drummer Arthur Mathews. They talk about trying to shake off the guilt of a religious upbringing, Dominic Cummings diary, staying in Griff Rhys Jones house, failing to impress Jonathan Miller, Father Ted stamps, the fecundity of 90s comedy and how it took so long to get the Amish meet Bill Grundy on to TV.

Support Rich in Movember here http://rhlstp.co.uk/movember

Buy Richard's book here https://www.gofasterstripe.com/problemwithmen

Buy Arthur's new book here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cummings-Files-CONFIDENTIAL-Thoughts-Actions/dp/0571365825